Happy Anniversary to Us!

April 19th marks TWENTY-SEVEN blessed years with my beloved husband.


God brought us together through a church-sponsored “Valentine Banquet” which I had no intention of going to as I was new to the town my parents were living in when I moved back home at the ripe old age of 22. My parents said I should tag along because I had nothing better to do, and since it wasn’t a couples-only get-together happening for the small church my parents attended, I figured what the heck and so I agreed to go. 

There were about 15-20 people there from the church in the back party room of the buffet and I sat down not knowing anyone except my parents. Little did I know that God had a perfect design for that night because unbeknownst to me I sat caddy corner across the table from my future husband. I chatted with people around me at the table, including him, and really enjoyed myself for that hour or so we sat there.

After the dinner we all went back to the little church my parents attended and the couples decided to play a version of the old TV gameshow “The Newlywed Game”. Honestly, I only remember myself and my then future husband being the only ones not participating in the game and so we decided to hang out and talk. That night of talking turned into us talking constantly on the phone, sometimes for hours, racking up a long-distance phone bill since we lived a few towns from each other.

Those conversations and several dates turned into a whirlwind romance where almost one month to the day of our meeting on Valentine’s Day 1997 he asked me to marry him right there, kneeling during the altar call of our little Pentecostal church. We knew we wanted to be together and we felt there was no reason to wait so one month later on April 19, 1997, we got married! Now here we are 27 years later with three wonderful children ages 19, 18, and 17. We’ve had our ups and downs like any couple but God has brought us through time and time again and we are very blessed and give Him all the glory!

Happy 27th Anniversary to us!

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